Phonetics and Poetics Research Group

Who Are We?

A group united by the idea that phonetic studies and poetic studies are closely related.


  • Valentina Colonna (University of Granada)
  • Domingo Román Montes de Oca (University of Santiago, Chile)
  • Nicolás Retamal Venegas (University of Concepción)
  • Antonio Pamies Bertrán (University of Granada)


  • To approach the instrumental phonetic study of Spanish language poetry
  • To promote the instrumental phonetic study of poetry as a legitimate (and neglected) research area
  • To build an international network of researchers working on the topic with similar and different scientific approaches
  • To propose various instances to disseminate this research perspective of the poetic object

Related Institutions:

  • University of Granada
  • University of Santiago, Chile
  • Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Santiago, Chile
  • University of Concepción

In collaboration with the project Voices of Spanish Poets: Vocal Archive and Experimental Study on Poetry Reading, Funded by the European Union


  • 1st Edition of the International Congress of Phonetics and Poetics




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Acreditación 7 años

Facultad de Humanidades | Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins n°3363 | Estación Central - Santiago - Chile

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